Once again new record highs for Gold. Silver is also doing great and back over $40 an ounce. APMEX coupon is available for 100 oz silver bars for very low above spot on for Engelhard or Johnson Matthey 100 ounce silver bars. There are so many factors that are driving people to Gold as a safe haven for their money its unbelievable. I actually thought that Gold would drop a little after the debt ceiling deal was struck, but the European Debt problems quickly took back over. The US economic numbers also continue to be poor and people are starting to realize that the US is in bad shape. The large firms like JP Morgan and other analyst are estimating prices around or between the $1750 – $1800 an ounce of gold. Lock in to safe haven Gold with low above spot pricing and 100% satisfaction guarantee at APMEX.com. Check out listing of their deals at APMEX coupon Codes.